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We believe everyone has gifts and skills that will enrich our community. Don’t be a stranger and don’t sit on the sidelines. Find a way to leverage your passions and meet real needs. The best way to learn more and join a team is by connecting with our Events and Connections Leader.

Sunday Mornings
Coffee Team
Sanctuary Care Team
Connections Team
Cleaning Team
Flower Team
Prayer Team
Slides Team
Worship Team
Admin/Office Assistance
Building Care Team
Adult Ministries
Raleigh Fellows
Young Adults
Men’s Ministry
Women’s Ministry
Next Generation Ministries
The Garden
Student Ministry
Student Ministry
Middle School
High School

Brian Mann
For nearly a decade now, Brian has led Greek InterVarsity as the National Director. Brian first joined the staff team with the University of Illinois chapter in which he had been a student leader. His wife, Lauren joined that team a year later, and they worked in close partnership. After a couple years God called them to co-lead the chapter and eventually Brian became a Team Leader at the University of Illinois. Feeling led to meet broader leadership needs in Greek InterVarsity, they relocated to North Carolina to serve as Co-Regional Coordinators before Brian moved into his current role leading Greek IV across the country. He’s especially proud of overseeing his team’s creation of Chapter Ministry Bible study training and resources that are now used by hundreds of student leaders across the country. Brian and Lauren live in their adopted hometown of Raleigh, NC with their three kids.
We partner with local mission ventures for the good of Raleigh
Camp Oak Hill
Center for Christianity & Scholarship at Duke
Community Hope
Gateway Women’s Care
Gideons International {Raleigh}
International Friends – NC State
Jobs for Life
Justice Matters
Mission Triangle
Neighbor To Neighbor
NeighborHealth Center
Refugee Hope Partners
YoungLife {Raleigh}
SafeFamilies for Children
The Encouraging Place
We partner with international mission ventures for the good of the world
Rwanda Partnership
We maintain a mutual partnership with the Anglican Church in Rwanda, specifically with the Gikomero Parish in Rwanda, to foster deep relationships for the furtherance of the kingdom of God. To learn more about our Rwanda Partnership, please contact Emily Smith.
Ukraine InterVarsity College Ministry
Ukraine InterVarsity College Ministry - CCX is the acronym for InterVarsity in Ukraine. The CCX staff and students work to give every Ukrainian university student the opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to help those who receive him to follow him.
Potter’s House Association
As a church community, we align ourselves with Potter’s House Association (PHA) to serve the Treasures (individuals and families) who live in the communities beside the city dump in Guatemala City and in the more rural town of Chiquimula. Potter’s House fosters family development, education, health and nutrition, micro-enterprise, and community development through a Christ-centered, biblical approach. Learn more about the heart and history of Potter’s House.