We ask people in our community to give to Apostles regularly, cheerfully and anonymously. We prioritize giving to the local church because these ‘storehouses’ of God’s Kingdom (Mal. 3:10) are the hope of the world.
Please note that gifts of securities and mutual funds must be transferred to, and received in, the Church's brokerage account by noon on Dec. 29, 2024 to be included with 2024 giving.Because the church offices will be closed December 25th through January 1st, we are requesting that you mail any year end gifts or initiate them online. Payments mailed and postmarked by December 31, 2024 will be reflected on your 2024 Giving Record. If your bank issues your payment, please allow plenty of time for our receipt by mail. For any questions about your giving, please contact Laynette Rustin, laynette@apostles-raleigh.org.
Attenders and members can online via Church Center. You can also set up Apostles as one of your vendors in your bank’s bill pay system.
You may give on Sundays or mail your check to Church of the Apostles, 333 Church at North Hills Street, Raleigh, NC 27609
If you currently give to a donor advised fund, please consider using the automatic payment or scheduling function with your fund manager to set up a weekly or monthly grant to Apostles.
You may be able to give to Apostles using a distribution from your IRA. Please contact your IRA administrator for more guidance.
Please contact Laynette Rustin for stock transfer instructions.