A Church of the Apostles
Apostles began in the year 2000 with the hope of being like the Church described in the book of Acts (Acts 2:42-47). We embody this vision today through four pathways that comprise our "rhythm of life."
Deep Prayer
Deep calls unto deep (Ps. 42:7). This verse is often taken to describe communion with God through the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 2:9-11). Personal and corporate prayer is a priority in the life of our church.
Rich Community
Collaborative discipleship in the context of small groups is the main thing we do. We’re committed to Bible study in the spirit of Col. 3:16.
Extravagant Hospitality
We want Apostles to be a place to ‘taste and see’ the goodness of God (Ps. 34:8). Every time we come together as a church is an opportunity to welcome others as Christ welcomed us.
Gospel Partnership
We partner with people and organizations who are extending the reach of the kingdom of God in our city and world. We pray regularly for our partners, support them financially, and serve alongside them in whatever ways are helpful (Phil. 1:3-5).

The Three Streams
Anglican worship holds in creative tension three distinct streams of the Christian tradition: the Spirit, Scripture and Sacraments.
Being a three streams church means that we that gather every Sunday expecting to experience God’s presence through His Spirit, hear God speak through His Word and receive His grace through the sacred and ordinary means of bread, wine and water.

A Plan for the Future
Our mission is to be a community in midtown Raleigh that serves as a hub of spiritual, relational and cultural renewal. We’ll know we’re on the right track if these three things are happening:
Spiritual Renewal
We’re helping people follow Jesus through life’s highs and lows. The vibrancy of our community is resulting in hundreds of people making a new or renewed decision to follow Jesus. All of our worship services every Sunday are vibrant and getting a seat is never assured.
Relational Renewal
We’re becoming a more diverse and unified community that is deeply interwoven into each other’s lives. People from every walkable neighborhood that surrounds our building are joining our church family, and we’re linked arms with other believers in Jew-and-Gentile-like peacemaking in our city.
Cultural Renewal
We’re making a significant investment to beautify and expand our facilities. Enhancing our property is not counted as an end in itself but is creating a revolving door for friends from every surrounding community to attend concerts, take classes, make friends, play, and experience Jesus.

Affiliation and Governance
Apostles is affiliated with the global Anglican church through the Diocese of the Carolinas and the Anglican Church of North America. Our Bishops provide accountability and care for our clergy. Our Leadership Council oversees all business and legal affairs and serve as an advisory council to the Senior Pastor in matters of mission and ministry. More information on our governance is available in our by-laws and this best practices document that describes the organization of the Council.

We seek to be filled with the Spirit of Jesus —caught up in the works of God's Kingdom
In the Anglican churches, pastors are often called “clergy.” While every Christian has equal access to God and is called to ministry, the term “clergy” describes men and women who have been called and set apart to the particular ministry of shepherding God’s people (1 Pet. 5:1-4). Clergy exercise this ministry through preaching, teaching and celebration of the sacraments.
Reach Out
Have any questions about our church? Want to meet with one of our pastors or members of our staff team? Let us know. We’d love to buy you a cup of coffee.